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The cold hard stare 目線
Over the years I have found that merely imagining an opponent in front of me is not enough. You really have to visualise this person in...

正速強威 (Sei-Soku-Kyou-I)
There is an old teaching that my teacher has taught me years ago. (I even had a t-shirt made!!) I find it very applicable even to daily...

Zanshin (残心)
In Iaido and many Japanese martial arts, there is a concept known as Zanshin (残心). It describes the mindset at the end of a...

What mustn't be forgotten
礼式 礼は武道の根幹である。武道は礼に始まり礼に終わる。礼とは人間の敬意に基づく心の品節である。即ちあらゆるものに対する尊敬の至情の発露で常に敬いの念を内蔵して初めて礼を得ることが出来る。礼は心、儀は式である。正しき礼儀により心を修め、正しい心は礼儀となって現われる。武道...
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